Ms. Gita ~ part II: Makena

The concept of visualizing a scene in my head before photographing it ("pre-viz") has been dancing in my head for the past few weeks, thanks to Fred Egan and also Lara Casey. Of course I love the spontaneity and candidness in family portraits and weddings, but I'm now also fascinated by the idea of creating a particular scene with a style of clothing, accessories, activities and locations. Ms. Gita ~ part I was going for a vintage look with a birdcage veil, high heels and a cafe setting. For part II I wanted a sandy beach, cowboy hat, pickup truck and converses. Of course, not all of those details in a single shot.My dear friend Gita is a fun loving girl. She's spontaneous and outgoing, to say the least. I'll never forget the time she volunteered to go on stage in Vegas in a packed room for a hypnotist's show. She was the entertainment for the night & stole the show. Don't worry Gita, I promise that those pictures will never make it onto the Internet. And thank you, Gita, for being an active and willing participant in this creative process.Side Note: Lara Casey- Editor of Southern Weddings Magazine is having a workshop on April 29th on the Big Island called Making Things Happen. I had the opportunity to hear her speak at WPPI, and this business savvy woman has invaluable wisdom to share ~ in a cute Southern accent to boot!Anna-Kim-Photography 8Anna-Kim-Photography 9Anna-Kim-Photography 10Anna-Kim-Photography 11Anna-Kim-Photography 12Anna-Kim-Photography 13Anna-Kim-Photography 14Anna-Kim-Photography 15Anna-Kim-Photography 17Anna-Kim-Photography 16

Maui, Photography